Jenny Taylor


Sheboygan, WI

Before I began my business, I was searching for my purpose … I just didn’t know it. I had an incredible corporate career, was literally at the top of my game, BUT I didn’t fit in. Individuality wasn’t celebrated. As long as I fit into the box, things were great, but I didn’t fit in that box. It wasn’t bad enough to spark change until I was blessed with a pregnancy. I was DESPERATE for time freedom. I had a vision of the type of parent I wanted to be which included not missing anything and with my career that was NEVER going to happen. Reporting directly to the CEO meant I was at his beck and call and had ZERO control over my schedule.  

So, I started my own business with the goal of building TIME FREEDOM. It took just two years to get my schedule back and keep my daughter first and within six years I retired my husband from his baseball career. My purpose was found as well . . . empowering others to build their dreams and help them find success. I had NO IDEA how much I LOVED helping others build their dreams and seeing that they matter. Their unique gifts matter and the world needs them. 

Now, my mission is to help as many people as I can . . . help them embrace their true self and find success while doing it without compromising what is most important to them. Hopefully they will give themselves grace, as well as giving it to others, while they become the best possible version of themselves.
